
Benefits & Services

Union Leadership





Alaska firefighters are leading a rally beginning at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, in front of the Capitol to call attention to the recruiment and rentention crisis facing public employers. ASEA encourages all Juneau Chapter members to attend the rally to show support for making public employment a viable career for Alaskans across all sectors and services.


AKPFFA RR Crisis Rally 23apr24


Tuesday's rally will build support for SB 88, a bill currently stalled in a House State Affairs subcommittee, which would restore a defined benefit (pension) for public employees and teachers hired after July 1, 2006. Existing employees would exercise a one-time option to convert to or remain in the retirement plan that serves them best. Public employees and teachers hired before July 1, 2006, already participate in a defined benefit retirement system.

Alaska lawmakers heard from Dr. Teresa Ghilarducci in a House Labor & Commerce Committee meeting last week about the positive economic outcomes of restoring a defined benefit retirement for Alaska's public employees. https://www.ktoo.org/video/gavel/house-labor-commerce-committee-2024041169/?eventID=2024041169&startStreamAt=1856

If you are a PERS Tier IV employee (hired after Jul 1, 2006), this rally is about your future in particular! If you are a PERS Tier I/II/III employee, this rally is about your coworkers' future, the regular turnover among new employees who seek a career with retirement security, the increasing workload to cover for vacant positions, and the statewide failure of public services caused by a recruitment and retention crisis.

Please join rally lead by Alaska firefighters at the Capitol Tuesday, April 23, beginning at 4:00 p.m!