
Benefits & Services

Union Leadership





Hello ASEA Member,

After multiple meetings with the State regarding the bi-weekly payroll conversion, I'm optimistic about progress to ensure ASEA members are held harmless from and have adequate time for adjustment to the new payroll schedule. If discussions continue constructively, the bi-weekly schedule will begin for ASEA members in June 2020.

We are still negotiating the details of a letter of agreement and will share the proposed terms with you once the details are ironed out. A few bargaining units and the Court System will adopt the bi-weekly payroll schedule this month. ASEA, along with several other bargaining units, are expected to start a bi-weekly payroll schedule next June, pending the outcome of negotiations.

ASEA supports a later implementation date to provide members with more time to prepare for this significant change in the timing of paychecks while ensuring that a new pay schedule does not come at the expense of employees. I greatly appreciate the response from many ASEA members who shared their personal concerns about impacts of this change. A June 1, 2020 implementation date provides members with valuable time to make financial arrangements and budget accordingly.

In solidarity,

Jake Metcalfe
Executive Director