Oh, the Year That You Worked!

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As the new year arrives and 2022 ends,
Let’s look ahead with thanks to our friends:
Public employee union members who
Industry, business, and people turn to.


ASEA Member Meeting 2022


Serving with character and devotion,
Assigned to jobs from mountain to ocean.
A day's honest work, come rain or come shine,
So fishers can fish and miners can mine.


Nome Winter


Technicians processing food stamp requests
While DMV agents lead CDL tests.
Designers and planners shaping the way
We’ll drive down, fly from, and ferry one day.


CBS Docks


Nurses and CNAs, you stand by your post,
Called back to help when we need you the most.
From many home offices, busy, attentive,
Work was performed, solutions inventive.


Sitka Pioneer Home 2022


Through trials and hardships, you've persevered,
Your commitment to work never deterred.
Emails or cell phones or Microsoft Teams,
You answered the call no matter the extremes.


ASEA At Work 2022


As this year concludes, it’s time to take pause;
Thank you for working through freeze-up and thaws,
You all are heroes, each and every one,
Whose service to others ought to be sung.


CBS Solid Waste


Ring in a new day with joy and good cheer;
Raise a glass for a toast that’s warm and sincere:
For all ASEA folks far and near,
Here's to a bright and a hopeful new year!


ASEA Contract Negotiators 2022


We are a community, rugged and true,
Together we do what we set our minds to.


ASEA Fairbanks Parade 2022


In Solidarity,

—All of us at ASEA AFSCME Local 52