FY2018 Operating Budget Nears Passage

Dear GGU members,

Finally the State House and State Senate are moving toward an agreement on a FY2018 operating budget.

Yesterday substantial progress was made by the House and Senate Conference Committee that is negotiating the FY2018. The leadership in both bodies, House Speaker and Finance Committee Co-Chair and the Senate President and Finance Committee Co-chair, have all made public statements that a deal on the budget is imminent and they should have budget voted on and adopted soon. That is great news for all State of Alaska employees and also the private sector in Alaska.

This confirms what I was told in my recent conversations with the Legislative leadership and many members of the House and Senate majority; they realize how devastating to the State it would be if there was a government shutdown. Based on my past experience in the legislative process, I also know that “glitches and small bumps in the road” can always occur--however, it is apparent the “logjam” has broken and the legislature is committed to getting an operating budget adopted to avoid a government shutdown.

I do know how unsettling the past month has been for all of you. Thank you for your patience during this difficult period. I will keep you updated as the process proceeds during the next few days.

Jim Duncan
Executive Director