
Benefits & Services

Union Leadership





Dear DOT GGU member,

I have been hearing from a number of members in DOT expressing concerns about the new Employee Conduct Policy that the Department of Transportation is circulating and requiring that employees sign.

The Business Agents and I have done an initial review of the policy and have a number of questions regarding the policy. Based on that, yesterday July 26, I sent the email below to the Director of Personnel and Labor Relations expressing my concerns and requesting her to ask DOT to not implement the policy or require the certification be signed until the Union has the opportunity to fully review the policy and submit comments on it to the Division of Personnel and to DOT. I have not yet had a reply from the Director of Personnel.

Be assured that meantime the Union is conducting an in-depth review to identify areas which are of concern and any requirements in the policy that are in violation of any provision of our Collective Bargaining Agreement. If no delay is given as I have requested and we find that the policy violates any provision of our CBA we will immediately take appropriate action.

Jim Duncan
Executive Director

From: Jim Duncan
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 4:13 PM
To: Sheehan, Kate E (DOA) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Cc: Sutch, Nancy A (DOA) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Wright, Emily Lawson (DOA) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: DOT P&P 02.01.020


The attached DOT Employee Conduct P&P and the Employee Conduct certification form has recently been brought to my attention by a number of our members in DOT. They are being told that they need to sign the certification form immediately. On an initial review we have several concerns and questions about the P&P.

Was the P&P reviewed and approved by the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations prior to it being distributed to the employees? If so, why wasn’t the Union made aware of the proposal and comments from the Union solicited prior to the distribution of it? Did the Department hold meetings with the employees to explain why it was necessary and answer questions prior to the distribution of the policy and certification form?

The approach used is causing much concern by employees that might have been avoided if the Union would have been consulted prior to its release and if it was then fully explained to the employees.

I am requesting that you ask the Department to not implement the policy or require certification until the Union has the opportunity to fully review the policy and submit comments to you. While this will delay the process somewhat, I doubt if a critical issue exists that requires its immediate implementation. I think it is in the best interest of management, employees, and the Union to have a full understanding of what brought about the policy and what is intended prior to its implementation.



pdf SOA/DOT Employee Conduct P&P (198 KB)

pdf SOA/DOT Employee Conduct Certification (134 KB)