Ketchikan Members Rally Apr. 8 for State Services

ASEA Ketchikan Chapter members are encouraged to attend a rally in opposition to Gov. Dunleavy’s proposed FY2020 Operating Budget during his appearance at the noon Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday, April 8.

Sidewalk outside The Landing Hotel
11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Monday, April 8
Please allow time for parking
Contact: Michelle Gadbois,  (907) 328-3256

The Landing Hotel
3434 Tongass Avenue

The continuation of state services—and, in some cases, the agencies themselves—is uncertain under the Governor’s proposed budget. State agencies affected include Dept. Of Transportation & Public Facilities (Alaska Marine Highway System), Dept. of Health & Social Services (Ketchikan Pioneer Home, Senior Services, Medicaid),  Dept. of Corrections (Ketchikan Correctional Center), Dept. of Law, Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development, and the University of Alaska.

A manufactured crisis has been used to justify the cuts. State resources that are diverted to the PFD program will not be made up with new savings or other income. Subsequently, the state services that we all depend on are being eliminated or reduced and the actual cost to deliver those services will be shifted to local governments—which, for most, means higher taxes.

Please take the time to support your community and join co-workers to raise a respectful voice and a thoughtful sign against this disaster of a budget!

Holding a sign sends a message! Please consider helping with rally signs this Saturday at the Ketchikan Public Library beginning at 12:00 noon.