AFSCME Now: Retirees Stick with Unions

Screenshot 2019 4 5 AFSCMEWith nearly 19,000 retiree members joining since last year’s Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, AFSCME Retirees are embracing the value of their union in greater numbers than ever before. AFSCME Now sat down with Jeff Birttnen, AFSCME Retiree Council chair, to learn why membership is surging and why AFSCME members are never off the clock, even in retirement.

Question: Not only are working AFSCME members choosing to stick with their union in the wake of the Janus decision, but AFSCME retirees have been signing up in especially large numbers. What is the reason for the recent surge in retiree sign-ups?

Answer: Part of the reason retirees signed up in such strong numbers this past year was that people were unhappy with many of their elected officials and wanted to see worker- and retiree-friendly candidates get elected. Retirees succeeded in making their voices heard in the 2018 elections at the local, state and federal levels.

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