AFSCME members in Alaska are fighting to keep the Alaska Psychiatric Institute (API) in taxpayers’ hands. The governor’s proposed budget would allow the institution to be privatized.
The Alaska State Employees Association (ASEA), AFSCME Local 52, opposes Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s budget proposal, which would eliminate and privatize many state programs and make massive cuts to core state services and institutions.
ASEA members are pushing the Alaska State Legislature to come up with a more responsible budget to meet the true needs of Alaska. Without an alternative budget, privatization plans already under way at API will proceed.
The governor’s “effort to privatize API puts Alaska’s most vulnerable citizens in jeopardy by replacing compassion with a profit motive. Let’s not be surprised when the API plan becomes a template for outsourcing health, transportation and social services across Alaska,” said Mike Laiti, an ASEA member working in the Department of Health and Social Services.