Message to Members about State Budget

Dear ASEA/GGU Member:

Thank you for your public service and hard work for the State of Alaska. Alaska functions because of the work that you do. I appreciate your participation and membership in our great union. Your involvement makes ASEA the strongest public employee union in Alaska. ASEA member strength and solidarity paid off this year during uncertain legislative and budgetary times.

First, the good news—State government remains open for business. On Friday, the Governor announced he would accept the Operating Budget passed by the Alaska Legislature ( This means there will be NO blanket layoffs, furloughs or government shutdown. Alaska state employees will continue to provide services that all Alaskans need, as well as support Alaska’s dynamic economy. What a relief!

It is important for all ASEA members to know that the House Coalition Majority, the Senate Coalition Majority, and the Senate Minority passed a budget that supports public services and state employees. They rejected multiple budget proposals that would have privatized state services. They also rejected the  massive and unnecessary proposed budget cuts that would have destroyed or damaged essential state services. The Legislature’s Operating Budget also includes funding for public employee contracts. For these reasons, I encourage and hope you will email or call your legislators and thank them for their service and support of a fair and affordable operating budget.

Unfortunately, not all public services and state employees are safe yet. The Governor, in his letter (see link above) and in other public comments, has indicated that he will line-item veto parts of the Operating Budget. Under the Alaska Constitution, the Governor has until July 6, 2019, to make veto decisions. If the Governor does veto parts of the Operating Budget, some state services, and most likely GGU jobs, will be cut.

I very much hope this does not happen to any ASEA/GGU member. ASEA and other unions, businesses and the general public are doing everything we can to keep the budget intact and to limit vetoes as much as possible. However, we want all ASEA members and GGU employees to be prepared and have as much information as possible about your layoff rights. First, the Department of Administration has assured ASEA that if there are layoffs, DOA will provide affected employees as much notice of the layoff as possible. Second, they have assured us they will follow the layoff procedures outlined in the ASEA Contract.

If you get notice of layoff, we advise that you notify ASEA immediately. Contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling ASEA Headquarters at (800) 478-2732. ASEA staff can help you with any questions you have. In addition, a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding layoffs will be attached to this email.

ASEA will update the membership on Operating Budget news as it happens. Please don’t hesitate to ask ASEA questions or for help. Again, thank you for all you do!

Jake Metcalfe
Executive Director

pdf State of Alaska Layoff FAQs (2018) (198 KB)

Contact the Governor to fully fund the FY2020 State Operating Budget