ASEA Responds to Dunleavy Attack

September 26, 2019
Contact:  Jake Metcalfe, Executive Director
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ASEA Responds to Dunleavy Administration Attack on Public Employees

Today, the Governor of Alaska issued an Administrative Order that is an extreme attack on Alaska State Employees. Today’s actions by the Governor were not a surprise. This Governor has made it clear that he wants to gut vital public services and remove important jobs since he took office. Public employees come to work every day and provide the vital services that keep Alaska running. They deserve a voice on the job and the ability to advocate for strong public services in this state.

“I can’t think of another Governor, anywhere in the United States, that would decide to sue his own employees. This Governor has already sued 8,000+ hardworking Alaskans that care about this state and the work they do” said Jake Metcalfe, Executive Director of the Alaska State Employee Association (ASEA). “This Governor has made it clear that he has no respect for the commitment and effort of hard-working Alaskans in public service. He sees our members as nothing more than an obstacle in his plans to dismantle the critical services Alaskans rely on every day. He’s right about one thing: union members will use their voices to stand up and stick together for the people we serve. That’s why he’s doing everything in his power to try to violate our fundamental freedoms and tear unions down. Every Alaskan should stand up and tell him no,” said Metcalfe.

“There’s a reason thousands upon thousands of public service workers in Alaska have joined a union. They know that by joining together to bargain, they can speak with a powerful voice against abuses and corruption. They can speak for themselves, their families, and the communities they serve. They have chosen to join unions because it gives them a voice. Governor Dunleavy wants to take that voice away,” Metcalfe said.

The Alaska State Employee Association is an affiliate of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 has been representing public employees in the State since 1987. They currently represent 8,000+ public employees in various sectors including pilots, engineers, scientists, parole officers, child protection workers, firefighters, nurses, juvenile justice officers, and health inspectors, to name a few. Their international union, AFSCME represents over 1.6 million public sector employees and retirees in the nation.

“Alaska State Employees are proud public servants. Their jobs matter- they make Alaska happen and deserve to advocate for the services they provide and work that they do,” Jake Metcalfe said.

pdf Press Release--ASEA Responds to Dunleavy Administration Attack on Public Employees (Sep. 26, 2019) (638 KB)

pdf Press Release--ASEA Countersues Dunleavy Administration (Sep. 25, 2019) (239 KB)

pdf ASEA Answer to Original Complaint--Sep. 25, 2019 (777 KB)

pdf ASEA Counterclaims & Third Party Complaint--Sep. 25, 2019 (1.69 MB)

pdf ASEA Motion for TRO and Preliminary Injunction--Sep. 25, 2019 (2.36 MB)

pdf Order re: Motion for TRO and Order to Show Cause--Sep. 25, 2019 (206 KB)

pdf Order re: Preliminary Injunction--Sep. 25, 2019 (371 KB)