Public Service Recognition Week, May 7-13

Hello ASEA Member,

As spring arrives for much of Alaska, this week is a perfect time to recognize the contributions of public employees. Hiring managers are onboarding new and returning employees, fisheries biologists already have multiple commercial harvests in the books, and construction season is underway just as many of us have put away our snow shovels.

I take this moment to say that you matter to Alaska, and that our state is made a better place for the skill, experience, commitment, and professionalism you bring to the job. ASEA members are largely frontline workers who deliver public services, programs, and direct benefits to Alaska’s families and businesses. You have a place in Alaska’s economy and the fabric of our communities.

Thank you for the choice you make to work in public service. It is a privilege to serve as executive director of your union. From my perspective, union membership is a two-way street and ASEA is committed to advocating for tomorrow’s improvements and sustaining yesterday’s successes—sensibly and economically.

This is your week, we celebrate it all year long.

In solidarity,

Heidi Drygas
Executive Director